Snowbowl Montana | Missoula, MT

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1700 Snowbowl Road Missoula, MT 59808






Service Area​

The tour includes four separate zip lines circling the Snowbowl base area. The lines are paired so you can ride next to a friend while flying in a comfortable paragliding harness. Zip #1, “The G-Line” is your warm-up, flying for 200 feet over the Grizzly lift and next to the Gelande Jump, right in front of the Last Run Inn. Zip #2, “Butler Brink” takes it up a few notches as you launch off the side of the mountain near the Grizzly Chute, across the headwaters of Butler Creek and land about 600 feet away on Longhorn. Clip onto Zip #3 “Tamarack Tunnel” to fly 700 feet through the trees well over 100 feet off the forest floor to the landing below Paradise. Then take a deep breath when you clip on and finish with Zip #4, “Huckleberry Hustle” flying nearly 1000 feet, through the forest then popping out 150 feet up above the base area and setting down next to Go Big (a favorite huckleberry patch).

Autumn Kozimer